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Alliance for New Music-Theatre

Company Values Document

Prepared by the Working Team for a Generous and Inclusive Artistic Community

We come to the table, be it Rehearsal Room, Admin Office, or Board Room with the following aspirations and commitments, assuming good intentions of all in the belief that this allows people to come together to find creative solutions:


  1. We believe that in all our work, people have the right to a safe, encouraging, and creatively empowering work environment.

  2. We commit that we will all work to ensure everyone in our company environment is free from all forms of discrimination, including sexual harassment, acts of racism, ageism, and even subtle forms of aggression.

  3.  We believe that everyone is welcome to “come as you are,” and we cherish the opportunity to make ours an inclusive environment, where we welcome the stories, ideas, and talents that everyone brings, regardless of a person’s stated or perceived race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religious and/or political beliefs, economic status, or other innate characteristics.

  4. We commit to being intentional about telling stories through music-theatre that address under-represented and marginalized communities, and that our programming and casting decisions should also reflect our values of equity and inclusivity.

  5.  We believe that our work and conversations should be bold and risk-taking as theater at its best is meant to be, recognizing to do so we must allow people to make mistakes. We commit to these principles but also to ensuring that nothing is done intentionally endangering or demeaning each other.

  6. We believe that everyone has the right to bring up language or actions that seem hurtful or cross the line into transgressions. We invite anyone who experiences anything that seems detrimental to this environment or to one’s personal well-being to communicate it at the time it occurs and in the manner one finds comfortable.

  7. We commit to being reflective and intentional in our processes and will check in at least at the end of every rehearsal or meeting so that we might all grow and change in the ways we need to, keeping the following questions as our guide:

  • Is it the truth?

  • Is it fair?

  • Is it beneficial and for the greater good?

  • Will it build good will, better friendships, and stronger community?

  • Will it make better art?

  • Does it fully support our values and mission


We commit to apply the above values and principles to the entire activity of the Alliance.

Approved by Alliance for New Music-Theatre Board – Sept 8, 2020


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©2022 Alliance for New Music-Theatre 202.256.7614

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